Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Here at Longbranch Dental Center in Greenville Tx,we want to ensure that you are getting the utmost dental care and treatment as possible. That is why for the month of April we want to promote Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Oral cancer occurs in the mouth, throat, neck, and even roof of the month and can be a deadly disease. As stated from the Oral Cancer Foundation, “This year an estimated 51,550 new cases of oral and oropharyngeal cancers will be diagnosed in the US. Of those individuals, 40 percent will not survive longer than five years, and many who do survive to suffer long-term problems, such as severe facial disfigurement or difficulties with eating and speaking. The death rate associated with oral and oropharyngeal cancers remains particularly high because the cancers routinely are discovered late in their development.” With that being said, Longbranch Dental Center wants to ensure you are coming in for your exam so we can do a full cancer screening.


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms in your mouth the good news is that they will be very visible. It is important for patients to be aware of the following signs and symptoms. If any of these symptoms are not clearing up in one to two weeks please make an appointment with one of our doctors.

  • Sore, or soreness or irritation that doesn’t go away
    • Red or white patches, or pain, tenderness, or numbness in mouth or lips
    • Lumps, thickening tissues, rough spots, crusty or eroded areas
    • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking, or moving your jaw or tongue

If you are on top of your appointments and make sure to come in for your screenings you are doing the best you can to stay oral cancer free. Here at Longbranch Dental Center, we have extensive technology to ensure we are giving you the clearest results possible.

Call our office today to get you and your entire family in for your annual oral cancer screening at 903-455-4161



Dental Awareness Month- Back to School Appointments!

Backpack? Check. Lunchbox? Check. Teeth cleaning? Check!

They say you are never fully dressed without a smile, so why not give your child a beautiful white smile to wear for their first day back to school?

The new 2018 school year is sneaking up on us and you have been given the ever-growing, back-to-school to-do list that every parent dreads. There is one important thing that the teachers did not include on that list: a back-to-school dental checkup.

Here at Longbranch Dental Center we always say it is good to have routine dental visits, but what makes back-to-school checkups so important is that it can help prevent common dental diseases found in school-age children. Cavities are known to be one of the biggest obstacles that children face and according to the ADA (American Dental Association), it causes them to miss “more than 51 million school hours each year”.

So if you want to keep those cavities and the other dental diseases at bay, here are some tips to have a successful dental checkup to ensure your children’s teeth shine as bright as their future:

  • Brush! Brush! Brush! It’s important to encourage your child to brush twice a day for two minutes to keep those cavities away. Brownie points if your child brushes before their appointment!
  • What time is it?? Naptime! Make sure you don’t schedule your child’s dental appointment during their naptime or your day at the dentist will be most challenging. Also, take into account if your child is cranky or had a bad day, they might not have the energy to make it through the appointment.
  • If one of your children has gone to the dentist before and it’s their younger sibling’s first time, schedule the older child to go first to act as a role model and show the younger one how it’s done.
  • If it is your child’s first time, it’s important to remember to stay strong and stay calm if your child starts to be uncooperative because if you scoop them up and walk out of the office, the next visit will be much harder. Give the doctor time to try and positively turn the visit around.

Once the appointment is underway, make sure to ask the dentist some of the following questions:

  • How is my child’s overall health?
  • Will my child get their teeth cleaned today?
  • Will my child be given fluoride?
  • Does my child need an x-ray or a mouth guard for sports?
  • What are Sealants?

Now your child is ready to go back to school, but make sure to grab your dentist’s card because accidents are bound to happen whether your child is in sports, recess, or just walking down the school hallways. You can place these cards in your purse or in your child’s backpack just in case of emergencies. Maybe while you’re there you’ll even want to sign up for an appointment yourself.

Call Longbranch Dental Center today to schedule you and your child’s next dental appointment! (903) 455-4161

Is a dental implant right for you?

Have you lost a tooth due to accident, injury, or illness? If so, a dental implant is a good option to replace missing teeth!

A dental implant is made of medical-grade titanium that is surgically implanted into your jawbone. A dental crown is placed on top of the implant, with the end result looking like a natural tooth. Dental implants are a more secure solution for replacing missing teeth than dentures because they are fixed in place and can’t be removed like dentures. Dental implants can also be more durable than dentures.

If you elect to have a dental implant inserted, dental surgery may be required. But, the doctors at Longbranch Dental are highly trained in oral surgery and will work hard to ensure a smooth procedure. The entire process can take up to six months but the end result is well worth the wait!

The first step in a dental implant procedure is to insert a titanium screw into the jawbone. The doctor then creates a permanent bond between the implant and the jawbone. A temporary oral appliance will be worn while the jawbone and the implant post heals. The healing process can take several weeks or months, depending on how quickly the jawbone bonds to the implant post.

Once your mouth has healed, you will return to our dental practice in Greenville for a custom crown to be placed on top of the dental implant post. The end result is a natural looking tooth and a beautiful smile!

If you are interested in learning more about dental implants, call Longbranch Dental at 903-455-4161 Our friendly staff will answer any questions and set up a consultation with the doctor!

Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Here at Longbranch Dental Center, we want to ensure that each of our patients are aware and preventative of oral cancer. Oral and oropharyngeal cancer (cancer of the mouth and upper throat) unfortunately kills nearly one person every hour of every day each year. Of the people diagnosed with these types of cancers, 40 percent will not survive longer than five years. However, many who do survive oral cancer suffer long-term problems, such as severe facial disfigurement or difficulties with eating and speaking. It is a serious disease that is sometimes not taken seriously and Longbranch Dental Center wants to ensure that every patient is aware and regularly gets cancer screenings.

The main issue we face today with oral cancer is the death rate associated with oral and oropharyngeal cancers remains particularly high because the cancers routinely are discovered late in their development. Fortunately, when oral and oropharyngeal cancers are detected and treated early, mortality and treatment-related health problems are reduced. That is why Longbranch Dental Center Care is here to help each of our current and new patients be proactive in their screenings. We want to ensure that everyone lives a happy and healthy life, while being aware and proactive!

In between dental visits, it is important for patients to be aware of the following signs and symptoms, and to see a dentist if any of these symptoms proceed.

  • soreness or irritation within the mouth
  • red or white patches, or pain, tenderness, or numbness in mouth or lips
  • lumps, thickening tissues, rough spots, crusty or eroded areas
  • difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking, or moving your jaw or tongue
  • a change in the way your teeth fit together when you close your mouth

If you have any of these symptoms please call Longbranch Dental Center to make an appointment with one of our dentist professionals. If you are not experiencing any symptoms we still recommend that you receive annual oral cancer screenings. Why not be preventative with your oral treatment?

Call Longbranch Dental Center at 903-455-4161 today to get further information about Oral Cancer Awareness Month!

Sweetheart of a Deal!

This month is the month of love! Is your smile ready?

Do you have plans to celebrate with a loved one this month? Is your smile making you feel less than fantastic?

Here at Longbranch Dental we have exactly the thing to help you have that instant wow factor – teeth whitening!

Maybe you’re not big on Valentine’s Day. The benefits of having a bright, white smile extend far beyond looking great for a holiday! Perception is sometimes everything. Teeth whitening is also perfect for any special occasion or interview, or simply as a confidence boost that will enhance your look and make you feel polished and prepared.

What is it?

Teeth whitening is your solution for stained or yellow teeth! In less than an hour, your smile can be whitened by up to eight shades! It is also enamel-safe, unlike a lot of popular whitening brands you’ll find on store shelves.

Teeth whitening is significantly more effective than traditional whitening methods because of advanced guided light optic technology. You’ll see the results immediately, so you can make an appointment right before your plans or big day, no waiting necessary!

What alternatives are there?

Maybe you can’t make it into the office or you’re wanting something very subtle instead. We have a variety of whitening products that you can take home for similar results!

Call us today so we can help you find what is best for your smile!

(903) 455-4161

Make sure you’re staying on top of your yearly cleanings and exams as well. Having a healthy smile is just as important as having a bright smile.

Schedule an appointment today!



A new year is here! While setting your goals for 2018, did you find taking better care of your health at the top of your list? Perhaps you’re one of the more than 30% of people in the U.S. who haven’t gone to the dentist in the last year! Or maybe your 2018 resolve is to have a bright, good-looking smile you’re proud to show? Whatever it is you want to achieve, don’t let the February fallout happen with your resolutions! Keep connected with the New Year spirit and schedule an appointment with Longbranch Dental Center’s, Greenville’s premier dental practice, today!


Inside out is what it’s all about.


Don’t just want the cosmetic or esthetic benefits of visiting the dentist! A whiter smile is eye-catching but preventative oral health care can add seven years to your life, according to a Wayne State University study. You can have both sides of benefits! Nurture your oral health holistically by scheduling your exams and x-rays each year so you can have healthy teeth and gums for life. It is widely-known that many diseases make their presence known in the mouth; and tooth decay and gum disease that go undetected can equal extensive and costly dental work down the line. Slacking in your oral health maintenance has been linked to heart problems, aggravated issues with diabetes, and even pre-term labor in pregnant women. Be on the defense regarding your dental health. You’ll get fresher breath and can minimize tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums too; that is always a plus!


Once you’ve covered your preliminary bases, you can trust you’re in good hands with Longbranch Dental Center for natural looking dental implants, fillings, orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, or whitening. Longbranch Dental Center even specializes in sedation dentistry if you’re nervous or know you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.


Schedule an appointment today by 903- 455-4161!


Don’t forget to add calcium and fibrous foods to your diet to boost your dental health and of course, don’t forget to floss!

Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST) for Gum Recession

Gum Recession Treatment in Greenville, TX

Longbranch Dental Center in Greenville, TX is now offering a revolutionary treatment for gum recession. The Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST) is a scalpel-free, suture-free procedure that helps patients suffering from gum recession. Longbranch Dental Center is one of the only dental practices in the area to offer this treatment to patients.

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue along the gumline begins to recede. This can be caused by periodontal disease such as gingivitis, periodontitis, or advanced periodontitis; a natural result of aging; or brushing your teeth too hard.

When your gums recede, the root structure of the tooth is exposed. This can lead to tooth decay, gum inflammation, or worse, the tooth could become lose. Early diagnosis of gum recession is important to avoid these conditions.

The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique

The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique (PST) is a minimally invasive procedure for treating gum recession. Unlike traditional grafting techniques, PST is incision and suture-free. All of the tools and techniques used to perform the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique were created by Dr. John Chao, and who trained our doctor, Dr. Mike Weaks.

When a patient undergoes traditional gum recession surgery, it involves the use of tissue grafts (usually from the roof of the mouth) in order to rebuild the gumline. The soft tissue is sutured in place and as the gum heals, it joins the existing gum tissue. While this traditional grafting treatment is effective, comparable results with better patient experience can be achieved through the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique.

The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique is different from traditional gum surgery because a special needle is used to make a small hole in the patient’s existing gum tissue. No tissue needs to be grafted, which means this technique is less painful. Through this pinhole, special dental tools are used to gently loosen the gum tissue. These tools work to expand and slide the receded gums to cover the exposed root structure.

Contact Us To Learn More

If you have gum recession, contact Greenville, TX dentist Dr. Mike Weaks. We will schedule a consultation for you learn more about this revolutionary procedure to treat gum recession.

Dental Implants in Greenville, TX

Replace A Missing Tooth With Dental Implants in Greenville, TX

There are many reasons why a person might have lost a tooth. An accident or injury may have caused a tooth to fall out, or even illness can cause gum disease which can lead to tooth loss. If you have lost a tooth, or several teeth, due to accident, injury, or illness, a dental implant might be a good solution to repair your smile.

When a tooth is lost, the open gum can be a gathering place for bacteria to grow and flourish. This bacteria can lead to gum disease, which can impact the teeth surrounding the open area. A dental implant can “close the gap” between missing teeth and reduce or eliminate the bacteria from growing.

Dental implants in Greenville, TX, are made from medical-grade titanium. When properly cared for, a dental implant can last many, many years.

Advantages of dental implants

  • Reduces the likelihood of gum disease and tooth decay by preventing bacteria from forming in the open gum
  • A long-lasting solution for a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth
  • Feels and looks like your natural teeth
  • Restores your beautiful smile

A dental implant is surgically placed in the jawbone. Once this surgery has taken place at our Greenville, TX dental office, you will need to wait until the jawbone is fully healed before the dental crown can be placed over the implant. This can take between four and six months, depending on how quickly your body heals. Once our Greenville, TX dentist determines your jawbone is healed, a dental crown will be placed over the dental implant. The final result is a natural-looking tooth.

Contact Us

If you are interested in restoring your smile, contact the Greenville family dentists of Longbranch Dental Center. We will schedule a dental implant consultation to explain the process and financing options available.

No Dental Insurance? No Worries!

Dental insurance is a benefit that many people in Greenville aren’t able to take advantage of. If you don’t have dental insurance, Longbranch Dental Center wants to help! We have developed an in-house dental advantage plan that allows individuals and families to receive quality dental care at affordable prices.

Affordable Preferred Care Membership Program

The Preferred Care Membership Program is a dental savings program run by Longbranch Dental Center, not a third-party insurance company. There are no monthly insurance premiums and no insurance hassles!

The Preferred Care Membership Program includes*:

  • Two Dental Cleanings (Healthy Gums)
  • Unlimited Oral Exams
  • Periodontal Evaluation
  • Oral Cancer Screening
  • Unlimited Digital X-Rays
  • Intraoral Camera Exam

As a bonus, members will receive a 10% discount on the following services:

  • Additional Dental Cleanings
  • Esthetic Procedures
  • Periodontal Disease Care (Non-Healthy Gums)
  • All General Dentistry Procedures

The Longbranch Dental Center’s Preferred Care Membership Program will save families a significant amount on their dental care by eliminating the high costs and hassles associated with billing insurance companies. With the Preferred Care Membership Program, your dental care is in the hands of Longbranch Dental Center doctors and staff. We offer high quality dental care at discount prices. Our goal is to help keep family dentistry affordable.

Membership Fees*

  • $150 Adults
  • $110 Children (12 and under)

Plan Benefits

  • 10% discount on all general dentistry procedures
  • No yearly maximum
  • No deductible
  • No pre-existing exclusions

Please note restrictions do apply and this can not be combined with dental insurance, other discounts, or other promotional offers.

If you are in need of dental work, then contact Greenville’s best dentist today. Longbranch Dental Center has been serving Greenville since 1971 and is family owned and operated. Call us today!

Improve Your Smile & Your Confidence With a Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover in Greenville, TX

Do you hide your smile because you have a chipped, cracked, or even missing teeth? Do you wish your teeth were brighter, like the movie stars? If so, a smile makeover might be the answer you are looking for! At Longbranch Dental Center, our Greenville cosmetic dentists can help give you the smile of your dreams.

A smile makeover is a combination of multiple cosmetic dentistry procedures performed to address different dental problems. Treatments can include a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, porcelain veneers to give you a beautiful “Hollywood” smile, teeth whitening to brighten your smile, or cosmetic resin bonding to fix a cracked or chipped tooth. At Longbranch Dental Center in Greenville, TX, our cosmetic dentists will meet with you to listen to your concerns and develop a customized treatment plan.

Each of our patients are unique individuals, and their smiles are no different. That is why our Greenville cosmetic dentists create an individualized treatment plan for each patient. This treatment plan will specifically address the patient’s concern, leading to an end result that you will be happy to show off!

Many patients that want a smile makeover feel it is outside of their budget. At Longbranch Dental Center, we want you to have the smile you deserve! At your consultation, we will review your treatment options, as well as discuss financing options.

Benefits of a Smile Makeover include:

  • Increased confidence at work and at home
  • Helps improve the health of your gums and teeth
  • Make a great first impression

Contact Us

If you are interested in a smile makeover, contact Longbranch Dental Center today! We offer many different types of financing options for patients that think a smile makeover is outside of their budget. Our friendly staff and doctors will listen to your concerns and help develop a treatment plan within your budget.