Don’t Forget – Your Dental Benefits Have Reset in January

Longbranch Dental Center, your Greenville, TX dentist, wants to remind you that your dental benefits have reset starting January 1, 2017. If you have dental insurance and reached your maximum in November or December, now is the the time to complete the dental work you started.

Dental benefits help cover a portion of the cost for many necessary dental treatments – including twice yearly cleanings, exams and x-rays; dental crowns, and root canal therapy. If you have any questions about what your dental insurance covers, our Greenville family dentist can help you understand your coverage.

It’s important to maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout the year and at Longbranch Dental Center, we can help you with that. By scheduling regular check-ups with our Greenville, TX cosmetic dentist, you can prevent tooth decay, gum recession and other dental problems that can lead to tooth loss.

Call us today at 903-225-2024 to schedule an appointment or learn more about your dental benefits.

Maximize Your Dental Benefits Before It’s Too Late

Use It or Lose It – Don’t let your 2016 dental benefits go to waste

The end of the year is quickly approaching, and time is running out to use any dental benefits before they expire on December 31. As you make your list, and check it twice, remember to call Greenville family dentist Longbranch Dental Center today and schedule an appointment.

Understanding Dental Insurance

Have you heard the term “deductible” but aren’t sure exactly what this means? A deductible is the amount of money you must pay out-of-pocket before the insurance provider will cover all or a portion of the cost of treatment or services. For example, if your deductible is $500 and you’ve spent $400 so far this year, and you need a root canal, now is the time to schedule the procedure. Your out-of-pocket expenses will be much less than if you wait until January, when you have to start over to meet the $500 deductible.

Don’t Waste Your Preventive Care Services

Most dental benefit plans cover all, or a large portion of, preventive services. This includes twice-yearly teeth cleanings, exam, and x-rays. Did you remember to schedule your 6-month cleaning at your last appointment? If not, contact Longbranch Dental Center in Greenville today to schedule a cleaning before  the end of the year. This not only helps keep your mouth clean and healthy, you won’t be wasting your benefits that you’ve been paying for all year.

Start A Treatment in 2016 and Complete A Treatment in 2017

If you need dental work completed that requires multiple visits, such as a dental implant or a dental bridge and crown, you can maximize your dental benefits across the two calendar years. If you are close to meeting your maximum, or have met your deductible, you can have part of the treatment completed in November or December. You can complete the treatment in January or February, which will help you to reach your deductible more quickly.

Call Us Today

If you have been putting off any dental work, contact Longbranch Dental Center in Greenville today. We can help you understand your dental benefits and explain how you can get the most of of your insurance coverage. Start 2017 with a healthy and beautiful smile!